Nurtured by Nature
jeff swaney jeff swaney

Nurtured by Nature

Nurtured by Nature:

I’ve lived a wild and crazy life and most everyone out there knows me as a club guy, real estate mongrel, deal guy or solo superdad. And that’s just fine. What many don’t know is that I’m really a nature lover at heart foremost and observing an ant hill in action is as fulfilling as making any deal. Without carving time to be out in nature to recharge at the insane pace at which I lived and live, I would have never survived. 

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You Inspire!
jeff swaney jeff swaney

You Inspire!

The best part about writing this dang thing is reaching back to you all grooving on the memories and actually reaching out and connecting with old and new so many people in our lives well lived

Let’s keep rocking and let’s keep sharing. That’s what we got - inspiring each other continually the next and next generation. Lots of negative shit going on out there, but we will never give up. We are going to - no matter what our allegiances are our religious political beliefs or otherwise going to be our best selves - and kick ass.

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the first step of a long journey
jeff swaney jeff swaney

the first step of a long journey

Why would you spend 15 years of your life on and off and an incredible amount of time and money to write a book? Yet, You Might! But, Definitely it’s not to make a fortune as many find out, but to light up others with our stories, entertain the hell out of them, and maybe even support some sort of a legacy.

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