the first step of a long journey

Why would you spend 15 years of your life on and off and an incredible amount of time and money to write a book? Yet, You Might! But, Definitely it’s not to make a fortune as many find out, but to light up others with our stories, entertain the hell out of them, and maybe even support some sort of a legacy. Writing it down and entering the fray is a ridiculously humbling experience for many including moi.

What we find out as authors is writing a book is the first step of a long journey. Writing down notes on scraps of paper and saving them in a box for years and recounting stories from our past that have a message and bringing it all to life with sights, sounds and dialogue is hard work. Then we get it in the can and have to market the dang thing -  what good is a book if nobody reads it?  Can’t have that! Especially when you put your heart and soul naked into it and Tell All with messages that will tickle and blowup your audience. In short, just like a starving artist has to paint, even though there’s no food on the table, and they should be flipping burgers somewhere to make a living, the writer has to write by some deep boiling, roiling need … No way out! The gnawing can only be fed by breaking rocks in the writing and disseminating processes. Painful yet uplifting.

Let’s take a trip together with self discovery, absent a bunch of advertorial misdirected moneymaker schemes out there.  So much Bullshit! Ughhh! We know in our heart what we need to know. Yup. We can all be apolitical, inclusive, and nonjudgmental, but still talk about important issues of the soul. I promise -  I will. Let’s explore more of what unites us rather than divides us, and then pull your pants down and laugh at the Author And Yourself. Let Loose!! 

My life was from a different trajectory, whoever and however it was planned, or if it even was - just like yours. Just exactly what is “None of the Answers”?. We will find out as we live life in reverse at 1000 miles an hour this year and into 2025. Enjoy these blogs which will come out monthly, and please feel free always to reach out!  Really! So many of you Inspire…and thanks for boarding the Bus!

And by the way I won't see a dime of what I might profit, since any of that will go to the kids college fund as a solo Dad and only parent here - doing my best.


You Inspire!