Happiness, Tranquility, Insanity, and the Me Me Me World 

When finally taking some friend's advice to begin writing my crazy stories down on scraps of paper, napkins and backs of envelopes, after collecting them up I realized there had to be a book in there somewhere. Organized over 15 to 20 years, it started making sense to put it all into some chronology and add perspective, and it began taking the shape of a memoir - one that I did not want to write. It wasn’t about "Me". I wasn’t world famous like many folks I've hung with - wasn’t gonna be the first man to set foot on Mars or anything like that. But it was my story, and we all have our stories - each one incredible and magical. So please forgive if my tales seem to be "Me - centric"  - it is not intended to vibe that way. In fact, the book editor said the following, which kind of hit the nail on the head... 

“Nobody reading your account of your colorful life and career(s) could come away from the experience without having been inspired—and encouraged—by your daring, initiative, and perseverance in the face of great obstacles. One of the things I found most impressive was your transparency about your own flaws and foibles. That’s not always true in a memoir, where authors often prefer to fabricate an unblemished self-portrait. Yours was a warts-and-all presentation of your life—and your willingness to reveal blemishes and vulnerabilities only made your strengths more convincing. “

The book was intended to have you ride along and use its lens to reflect on your own life, adventures and beliefs. So please preorder one and then do that.

The current world of fascination with “Me“ we see daily and is force-fed in SM, media, and celebrity bullshit. This is Our enemy of peace and happiness. It's not the ideal direction for our children. (Pictured here witnessing and embodying Tranquility at an Agate Beach Oregon sunset)

Just recently, Oregon allowed people to pump their own gas, which has now led to hanging out for short periods at the gas pump with a number of random folks. Last week, with four cars fueling, I found myself party to other people's chats on their speaker phone, including a guy bragging to his friend about his sexual exploits the night earlier, while a woman nearby me nodded her head towards him in absolute disbelief. The lady and I engaged in a purposeful chat that was aimed to dislodge him from the phone to no avail . He completely ignored us and just kept it up.  Another man pumping his gas witnessing this, pointing at me as he said -

“Jeez can you believe this. This is just really all about Me anymore wherever you go all the damn time. People blaring out on their cell phones, listening to their Air Pods with no idea what’s going on around them, a collection of zombies!  The world has gone to hell.”

I had to agree.  

I find peoples obsessions in their bubbles humorous, annoying and even intolerable at times. I may need to start videoing and posting it!  Liability be damned!

And there's more - and just the tip on the "Me-Berg"

-People at grocery stores barking on their phones and practically running you over where you need shin and ankle guards for protection.

-Characters at red lights with their music pounding and blasting to a level that is so crazy loud and bass infused it engages your heart to rattle in your rib cage. BOOM BOOM BOOM!!

-Kids at hotel pools, yelling, screaming, and running and throwing hard objects without any oversight or consideration for others in the area. Parents absent asleep or drunk.

-People out on trails while many of us are looking for a Needed respite in nature on their speaker phones rattling with their dogs off leash and out of sight until they are jumping on you and your children. One wet and muddy dog actually jumped into My car once! Then the joy of finding their dog poops all up and down the trail either in plastic bags for someone to pick up-  that nobody will - or just laying there for observation.  

 -E-bikes racing at high speeds Helter Skelter, Air Pods on and no helmets, jumping from bike lanes to car lanes to sidewalks oft times driving the wrong way with no awareness of the automobiles that might not see them spelling disaster for all.

Maybe I sound like a grouch or the new Andy Rooney, and this May resemble a Rant, but people have taken the idea of their Freedoms to a point so far out of bounds that they infringe on others' rights for sanity. I’m not saying we need to go back to Emily Post  - all of that has died - but some concept of manners or politeness would be welcomed. Please!!

I’ve shared my observations with many - getting quite the buy in. Hopefully, the pendulum will take a swing, and this earthy booming population well past 8 billion can practice some consideration. And that is not to say there is soooo much good stuff going on  - there is  - but the crazy “Me-ness” needs to slow down.

Hopefully you find Your windows to peace, tranquility, and sanity in your life this week as we roll on  - So blessed. Every day such a gift! 

Always happy to hear from you -  keep rocking!


Nurtured by Nature


You Inspire!